Armboards, Arm Pods, Plinth tops
& more
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Unusual one this. A solid ebony armboard for a Technics SL-1210 to fit a Pioneer PL-71 tonearm

Made from blocks of solid African Blackwood. 50cm x 40cm x 2.5cm. Super dense beautiful wood

Solid ebony with the great ebony sound

For the amazing Dynavector DV507 tonearm and Clearaudio deck. This one went to Canada.

Picture sent to me by the owner. Resides in Canada.

Solid ebony. Extra thick at the mounting end. Made to customers specs. Resides in Cambridge UK

This solid armboard fits a Technics SL-1210 GR and the exciting new Supatrac Blackbird tonearm. Resides in the UK.

Lead filled, super stable. Fits an Audio Technica AT-1501. Customer is in Los Angeles USA

The last of 3 armboards of this type I made for a customer in Surrey

Brushed aluminium armpod for a SME3009 tonearm with custom tonearm cable fitting. Very solid and heavy, this stand-alone armpod has the usual 3 height adjustable / levelling feet.

Solid ebony armboard crafted to fit the latest Technics SL-1210 GR deck and the large Audiomods with VTA assembly.

in solid ebony. One for SME arm mounting and cross drilled, one left blank. Featuring round base mounts. These upgrage the sound quality from standard aluminium. Shipped to the USA.

This one stands 16cm tall. Usual cast lead filled. Ebony armboard and turned brass feet for fine height adjustment and levelling. Shipped to the USA.

Carefully crafted to fit this special tonearm to a beautiful Technics SL-1210 GA. Solid ebony tonearm board. Shown here on the customers deck being dialled in.

Flush mounted solid ebony armboard. The customer dropped of the deck for me to create the armboard and fit.